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The Clean Water Act (CWA) makes it unlawful for a person to add pollutants or dredge or fill material into a “water of the United States” (WOTUS) without a permit.

自1972年以来, determining which water bodies are waters of the United States has been the subject of federal agency regulations, 指导和大量的案例.S. 最高法院和下级联邦法院. 美国.S. 环境al Protection Agency (环境保护署) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) (referred to as the Agencies) are charged with regulatory authority to define WOTUS under the CWA.

环境保护署 and Army Corps Issue Conforming Final Definition of WOTUS

9月. 8, 2023, the 环境保护署 and Army Corps released in the Federal Register the final version of the conforming definition of WOTUS (hereafter, “2023合规规则”). 环保局和陆军发布了 情况说明书 对于最后的规则和 红线版本 WOTUS的定义. According to the Federal Register notice, the rule is set to go into effect immediately on Sept. 8. This is the fifth update to the official regulatory definition of WOTUS since 2015.

President Biden’s amended definition of the waters of the United States relies on a fatally flawed version of the 2023 Revised Definition of WOTUS (2023 rule). Rather than taking this opportunity to make the necessary changes and improvements to the 2023 rule, the 环境保护署 and Army Corps did the bare minimum and struck the most egregious and unlawful parts of it. The 2023 conforming rule doubles down on bad policy and vague terms, such as “relatively permanent” and “continuous surface connection,” allowing for continued government overreach when the agencies will do a case-by-case analysis of each waterbody to determine if it is relatively permanent.

It is a missed opportunity to provide regulatory certainty to the home building industry. NAHB hoped the agencies would make the necessary changes to the underlying rule; instead, they rushed forward with this final rule without seeking public comment or engagement.

幸运的是, the agencies respected the Supreme Court by removing the portions of the rule reliant on the significant nexus test and changing the definition of “adjacent” to comply with the Court’s ruling in Sackett. The 2023 conforming rule clarifies that interstate wetlands are no longer jurisdictional.

更重要的是, 在5月份叫停之后, the agencies will resume processing approved jurisdictional determinations (AJDs) and the permitting program once the Army Corps’ district offices receive implementation guidance from the Army Corps’ HQ.

NAHB AVP of 环境al Policy Michael Mittelholzer joins CEO Jim Tobin and SVP Paul Lopez on the 房屋发展播客 来讨论 拜登政府的WOTUS规则 后, Sackett v. 环境保护署 情况意味着NAHB成员.


When home builders need to add fill material into a water of the United States, they must first get a permit from the Corps. Obtaining permits is costly and time-consuming. 例如, 一项研究发现,这是有成本的, 平均, $270,000 and takes 788 days to obtain an individual CWA fill permit.

The Biden administration has declared an affordable housing crisis, with a laudable goal to increase the production of affordable housing units while at the same time reducing regulatory barriers to new affordable housing. One of the ways the administration aims to achieve this is by tying federal funding incentives to states and local governments to reduce land use and zoning barriers to new affordable housing projects.

The White House acknowledges that one of the most significant issues constraining housing supply and production is the lack of developable land — specifically, 经济适用建筑用地. Policies such as the revised WOTUS rule create more barriers to affordable housing when the larger U.S. housing market already faces high mortgage rates, escalating costs for building materials, and an overall nationwide deficit of 1.500万套新单户住宅.

我们想听到你的声音 To help us get a better sense of the impact that the current WOTUS rule is having on the home building industry, we are asking NAHB members to share testimonials.
《十大正规彩票平台》对环保署和军团的要求 NAHB issued a letter requesting electronic versions of key documents related to the implementation of the Sept. 8 WOTUS监管定义.


Learn more about the features included in the 2023 conforming rule, how it compares to the pre-2015 rule and which states have adopted which version.



2023年5月23日.S. 最高法院于2009年公布了其裁决 Sackett v. 环境保护署, under which it unanimously ruled to eliminate the “significant nexus test.”



Explore NAHB and agency resources to learn more about the current WOTUS rule, including NAHB’s advocacy efforts throughout the process.