NAHB’s Blueprint to Address the 住房负担能力 Crisis



With a nationwide shortage of roughly 1.5 million housing units that is making it increasingly difficult for American families to afford to purchase or rent a home, NAHB提供了这个 十点住房计划 to help tame shelter inflation and ease the housing affordability crisis by removing barriers that hinder the construction of new homes and apartments.

  1. 消除过多的规定;
  2. 促进技术行业的职业发展;
  3. Fix building material supply chains and ease costs;
  4. Pass federal tax legislation to expand the production of affordable and attainable housing;
  5. Overturn inefficient local zoning rules;
  6. 减轻审批障碍;
  7. Adopt reasonable and cost-effective building codes;
  8. Reduce local impact fees and other upfront taxes associated with housing construction;
  9. Make it easier for developers to finance new housing; and
  10. Update employment policies to promote flexibility and opportunity.

NAHB delves further into these issues below.

打印er-Friendly Version of NAHB’s Blueprint



Resources exclusively for state and local associations related to NAHB’s Housing Plan.



Regulations account for nearly 25% of the cost of a single-family home and more than 40% of the cost of a typical apartment development. Policies at all levels of government are needed to ensure agencies consider the true effect of regulations on small businesses.



There’s a monthly shortage of nearly 400,000 construction workers, and builders will need to add 2.2 million new workers over the next three years to keep up with demand. Policymakers should support funding for construction trades education and provide more placement services to job seekers.



The cost of building materials has surged 38% since the pandemic. 特别值得关注的, the price of distribution transformers is up 72%, and along with a severe shortage of transformers, this is delaying housing projects across the nation.


Pass Federal Tax Legislation to Expand Production of Affordable and Attainable Housing

The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act would expand the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and enable builders to increase production of badly needed affordable housing.



Inefficient land use policies make it harder and more expensive to build. Localities need to rework ineffective zoning plans, 提供更多的选择, 比如减少最小批量, allowing more accessory dwelling units and promoting missing middle housing (e.g.,联排别墅和复式公寓).



Permitting delays at all levels of government delay housing projects and raise construction costs. Localities need to make it a priority to avoid needless bottlenecks in their approval processes. One easy solution is a time limit on how long the government has to either approve or deny a permit.


Adopt Reasonable and Cost-Effective Building Codes

Studies have shown that building to the 2021 IECC can add as much as $31,000 to the price of a new home and require up to 90 years for a home buyer to realize a payback. That’s not a reasonable trade-off and would not provide meaningful energy savings.


Reduce Local Impact Fees and Other Upfront Taxes

The home building industry agrees that some impact fees are necessary to cover the costs of increased public services for new home developments. However, lawmakers must impose impact fees fairly with the cost to the home buyer in mind.


Make it Easier for Developers to Finance New Housing

房利美(Fannie Mae), Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Banks should be encouraged to support a secondary market for AD&C financing that would expand financing options for builders to increase the housing supply.


Update Employment Policies to Promote Flexibility

The current patchwork approach for builders to determine worker status, calculating overtime pay and prevailing wages creates, and documenting employment status creates unnecessary burdens and disincentivizes housing production.